A thoughtful reply to a long thread of responses to Threshold ticket giveaway on the PDX Pipeline.
Your reply resonates with me. Unfortunately, someone at the Pipeline makes the call! It is true that much of our inspiration and collaborators are of the Nevada desert cloth. Our craft has been tuned over many years and now we are deliberately directing the fund cannons to aim back here in the “default world” – where help is needed.
Thank you everyone for interest in Threshold. We are so humbled by the amazing responses we’ve gotten back from people in different circles all over town. We never forget how lucky we are to be in Portland and around such a supportive community. If we don’t see you tonight, we hope we can connect with you all through your ongoing engagement with the Portland Artist Clinic. After the weekend, we all scatter back to our own busy worlds, but PAC remains there for the people!
新年快乐(xīn nián kuài lè) Happy New Year!
Kind Regards,
Kevin Balmer
Diggable Monkey
Threshold Co-Producer